Saturday School

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Saturday School Foundation

The Future of Our Education is in Your Hands

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Staff's Interview

How do you feel after participating in Saturn V project?

The tasks are difficult, taking time to design and run activities, especially the camps, but they are fun at the same time. A part of it is because I found a great team, which makes all the hard work pay off.

How do you think Saturn V helps improving Thai education?

I believe in the ‘Empathize’ step in the design thinking process: the first step to solve every issue, and I think Saturday School has been using this model well when working with other organizations, whether to develop content for projects or camps. Collaborating with schools, teachers, and students, to make them ‘empathize’ and understand more in-depth about Thai education is one of the good starting points to improve Thai education system.

Whom do you think this project has made an educational impact on?

It is not possible to describe all the amazing stakeholders in Saturn V, so let’s focus on the ‘students’. No matter the hard skills or soft skills that the children will get from joining us, the ‘Change-maker’ mindset we install would make them resilient enough to not be afraid to fall, and to be ready to reflect and learn from mistakes, and make it better. The other mindset, the ‘World-citizen’, which comes from the core belief that they themselves can be an important part of the society, making positive changes to the community no matter what career they do, will grow within them from now on.

Pongnirun Kantajinda (Book)

Saturn V staff